Friday, October 24, 2014

Drinkable Yogurt -- October 21

Tent and Leaves -- October 20

We made a tent out of blankets and chairs in the living room, and decided to set up the real tent in the backyard.  We had a great time with that, and even made a leaf pile to play in.

Vedauwoo -- October 19

UW Homecoming Parade -- October 18

We walked all the way to the parade on Saturday morning, and got there with time to spare this year.  

The marching band stopped right in front of us.  Hazel decided it was pretty noisy.

Hazel also noticed the large football helmet on this truck.

We saw lots of instruments, horses, and other fun things, and filled up the stroller with candy.  Hazel also got a balloon, and both girls have had fun with that.    All of our representatives, Enzi, Barrasso, and Lummis made an appearance this year because the government is not shut down this October.  The current governor, Matt Mead, and former governor Dave Freudenthal were also there.  We ran into our new little friend Nadine, and looked at some old cars before we walked home.  

Independent Vivian -- October 14

Vivian is often super independent, and I will have to seek her out.  It's kind of strange to not know where she is -- we always know where Hazel is, even still!  Vivi will go and play quietly by herself, and this day when I went to look for her she was playing with the knights in the castle.

Vivi is starting to talk now, and says Mama (which can also mean up, incidentally), fish (her favorite book is Rainbow Fish), yes, baby, and shoe.

Vivi also has a new tooth!  She hasn't had a new one since about March.  The total count is up to five, and there are at least three more about to make an appearance.

Evening stroll -- October 13

It gets dark too early now to do things like ride our bikes to the park after supper, so we have been walking near home more.  It's not so bad to be walking as it gets dark.  There is a big vacant area near our house that has yet to be developed, and we walk over there and then home again several nights each week.

Pole Mountain -- October 11

Another beautiful day, and we went out to Pole Mountain to try a path we don't do very often, and haven't been to in a few years.  It was perfect!

Back to Happy Jack -- October 4

This is one of our favorite close-to-town spots to go for a walk.  It is complete with a little bit of mud to make things more interesting, but it is always out of the wind.  

Letters - September 26

Hazel has been learning her letters since about when the school year started.  We are mostly going the Montessori style route, where she is learning the letter sounds before the names.  She has about 6 letters now (only 20 to go! :)  and she likes to use these letter stamps and name the letters.  She does S, M, H, D, V, and G.  Sometimes N.  We started using a particular order, but then added letters that go with people in our family (H for Hazel, D for Daddy, M for Mama, V for Vivian and Grandpa Van, G for Grandad, and N for Nana and many of her little kid friends (Natalie, Nikolai, and Nadine).   
Not something we're really intense about, but we do practice, and she likes playing with the letters.  Vivian helps, as you can see.

Baby in the back pack -- September 24

Baby Iris in the "pack pack."

Best Walk Ever -- September 20

We tried out a new path in the Snowies, the Meadow Falls Trail, and it was really great.  It was a loop, which we like, because you don't have to decide to turn around and go back over what you just did.  Also, it was only about 2.5 miles, and most of the loops up there are twice that or more and we just can't do that right now!  So, this was pretty great. The views were spectacular and varied, there were pretty lakes, and there was  a stream for Hazel to play in.  We'll be back next fall!

Even Vivian got to walk for a while.  

We brought our lunch with us, and ate close to a stream that Hazel didn't really want to leave.  One of her (and our) favorite library books right now is Yes, Let's.  I may or may not have mentioned this before, but it pretty much describes what we do on the weekend except this family has four kids and they're bigger than ours.  This family plays in the water on their hike, and Hazel was pretty happy to follow suit.